Chiropractic Adjustment or Gentle Mobilizations


The Chiropractic adjustment has become more accepted in the medical field which has resulted in a number of physical therapy schools hiring Chiropractors to teach adjusting courses. That’s why we are considered the specialists when it comes to adjusting.

Here are some reasons why a Chiropractic adjustment is safe:

  1. Chiropractic insurance is much less than a medical doctors because the adjustment is safe.
  2. Adjusting has been around for 5,000 years with its earliest beginnings in China.
  3. Insurance companies reimburse Chiropractors for adjustments because of its effectiveness in helping people.
  4. Chiropractors take many courses on adjusting and before you reach their tables they have probably performed thousands of adjustments.
  5. Adjustments are short fast thrusts they are not meant to damage the surrounding soft tissue.

What is an adjustment?

An adjustment is a high velocity low amplitude thrust (short and fast thrust) meant to gap a joint thus decreasing pressure in a joint. The decrease in pressure causes carbon dioxide to turn from a liquid into a gas and in the process there is a popping sound or cavitation. It is just like opening a pepsi bottle. When you open the bottle you reduce the pressure similar to gapping a joint. The process of reducing pressure turns carbon dioxide from a liquid to gas making a fizzing sound similar to the popping sound in the joint.

What are the benefits of an adjustment?

  • Decrease joint restriction
  • Improved range of motion
  • Restore normal biomechanics
  • Improve posture and alignment
  • Decrease pain
  • Decrease muscle spasm by relaxing surrounding muscles
  • May decrease nerve compression

Gentle Mobilizations - Dr. Benz does not adjust patients who do not feel comfortable with the procedure. Instead the doctor may offer gentle mobilizations along the spine as to loosen up joint restrictions similar to an adjustment except with less force. Other therapeutic techniques to accomplish the treatment goal, such as, heat and cold therapy, passive stretching, pin and stretch, taping, therapeutic ultrasound, electric stimulation and therapeutic exercise.

Chiropractic care that focuses on alignment helps to adjust the bones, ligaments, tendons, and joints so that they are in an optimal position as to lessen the wear and tear of these structures. For example, when two bones that make up a joint are in ideal congruency these joints can now transfer and absorb forces more proficiently. In other words, there is a symmetric distribution of force because of proper alignment.  Another example would be when the head is excessively displayed forward during normal posture.  Correct head position is when the ear canal (external meatus) is in line w/ the shoulder (acromium). For every inch the head is translated forward it is like lifting an additional head. This can affect the curves of the entire spine and lead to breathing and muscular imbalances/trigger points throughout the spinal muscles, chest, shoulders, core, and neck leading to a condition known as upper cross syndrome.

There are also psychosomatic effects of spinal, joint, and muscles misalignments/ imbalances. A psychosomatic condition is a physical dysfunction caused by mental factors such as internal conflict or stress. For example, when you imagine someone with depression you will probably think of an individual in a slouching posture with a lack of energy and drive. This slouching posture is the same position as the upper cross syndrome leading to all the physical imbalances as noted above. Dr. Benz believes that the mind, body, and spirit are all connected and that Chiropractic care, life coaching, and nutritional counseling may help prevent and possibly relieve many ailments.

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